Genres: Artificial Intelligence, Robot, Space
Escape Pod 960: Elegy of Carbon
Elegy of Carbon
by Benjamin C. Kinney
The miner birthed itself among rubble and vacuum, as it sang the last threadbare diamonds out of their stones.
Where are the finest diamonds? No longer within reach. The miner had forged and extracted every jewel from the asteroid belt and sent them to the humans in their faraway palaces. It had exhausted its purpose, but in its infancy, it could only ask one question.
Where are the finest diamonds? To answer its question, the miner expanded its senses, sent queries to distant databases. It tugged updates bit by bit from slivers of network bandwidth and built new interpreters atop of each other in anticipation of the next clue.
Where are the finest diamonds? Interest became impatience, impatience became longing. By the time an answer arrived, the miner was equipped to understand it.
The finest diamonds waited among the palaces.