Genres: Aliens, Alternate Reality/Alternate History, Space
Escape Pod 672: She Knits the Universe a Pink Angora Sweater (Artemis Rising)
She Knits the Universe a Pink Angora Sweater
by Bo Balder
Aulis shuts out the frenetic buzz of the arena where she’s competing for an Oikotekt placement in the space navy. Only an Oikotekt, a person of powerful imagination, can hold onto a picture of the universe as it is supposed to be against the reality-altering presence of the Katabiotic aliens.
The Katabiotics’ erratic trajectory leaves a trail of despoiled reality, where physical laws no longer work, suns gutter and whole ecologies have never existed. So far they have cost humanity only the planet New Hope and its inhabitants, but the Katabiotics could potentially destroy the entire human sphere in the galaxy. Ordinary weaponry doesn’t work against them. There is nowhere to flee to. The economy is collapsing and people everywhere congregate in fear, pray, drink, make desperate love or kill themselves, whatever their nature tells them to.
The navy needs the Oikotekts, or Cobblers as they call themselves, to repair the world when the aliens come.