Escape Pod 251: Unexpected Outcomes
Show Notes
Show Notes:
- Tim Pratt is serializing a Marla Mason novel, Broken Mirrors at his website. His first anthology is out this summer from Night Shade Books, Sympathy for the Devil.
- Tom Rockwell’s work can be found at his personal music website, Devo Spice, The Funny Music Project, and his comedy troupe, Cirque du So What?
- Incidentally, Tom Rockwell, myself, and many other Escape Artist writers and narrators will be at NASFiC next week, so check us out if you’re in the Raleigh, NC area!
Next week… Rescue in deep space. And guitar ballads.
Unexpected Outcomes
By Tim Pratt
But the plane just stopped, and hung there, nose tipped at a slight angle, mere feet from the building.
And that’s when the figure — the one people call the Ambassador, or the Doctor, or the Outsider, or the Professor, or a hundred other names — appeared. Just a middle-aged man in a white lab coat, with steel-rimmed glasses and graying hair. His image filled the air above the jetliner, like the dome of the sky had been transformed into an IMAX movie screen.
He said, “People of Earth, I have a message for you.”