Genres: Crime
Escape Pod 253: Eugene
Show Notes
Show Notes:
- Feedback for Episode 245, The Moment
Next week… Talent agencies and regret
By Jacob Sager Weinstein
As he puts the cruiser in gear and takes off, I calm down a little bit, and smell something that worries me. I smell Apurna on him, like always, but she doesn’t smell right. She smells of nervousness bordering on fear, and come to think of it, he does, too. It’s an old smell–I’d say from late yesterday evening, just after work–but it’s unmistakable. And there’s a hospital smell, and the smell of Apurna’s pain.
I shouldn’t say anything. Francisco doesn’t like me to pry.
But he took Apurna to the hospital.
But he doesn’t like me to pry.
But he took Apurna to the hospital.
But he doesn’t like me to pry.
“What’s wrong with Apurna?” I say.