Genres: Medical
Escape Pod 744: The Evening, the Morning and the Night (Summer Flashback)
The Evening, the Morning and the Night
by Octavia Butler
[EDITOR: We don’t have the rights to post the text of this story.]
Host Commentary
by Alasdair Stuart
Welcome to Escape Pod Summer School’s final month!
The plan with these episodes has been to stack all our flashbacks in one place, and to use them to explore big concepts in some detail.
I’m Alasdair, your host for these episodes. Over the last few weeks, we’ve looked at the different ways science fiction explores space, we’ve looked at the concept of invasion, and this month, we’re taking a look at identity, and we’re starting with the amazing Octavia Butler.
One of the all-time greats, Butler’s work is redolent with this theme. This story in particular, a novelette, explores identity in a half-dozen different ways, and does so with Butler’s customary grace, compassion, and laser-focused vision.
Some logistics for you before we dive in: this episode was originally published Feb 2nd 2015, your narrator is Amanda Ching, your host for the original episode was Norm Sherman, your audio producer for the original episode was Mat Weller.
And without further ado, it’s story time!