Posts Tagged ‘awards’

EA Metacast, January 2017
A look back at 2016 and what’s in store for Escape Artists — and for you — in 2017.
Also, a full list of 2016 award-eligible 2016 Escape Pod first publications follows, along with links to episodes, for those who couldn’t make it through the marathon audio version:
- “Brain Worms and White Whales” by Jen Finelli
- “In Their Image” by Abra Staffin-Wiebe
- “Singing to the Stars” by Alanna McFall
- “MySpace: A Ghost Story” by Dominica Phetteplace
- “Bioluminescent Memory” by Victorya Chase
- “Windows” by Beth Goder
- “Among the Living” by John Markley
- “The Hunter Captain” by David John Baker
- “Divided By Zero” by Samantha Murray
- “City in the Wound” by Michael Buckley
- “Bend Back the Shadows” by Michael Reid
- “Saints, Beasts, and Zombies” by Gary Kloster
- “Bona Fide” by Ben Hallert
- “Shopping for the Perfect Battle Mount” by Laura Davy
- “Disc Stutter” by Brian Trent
- “Joolie and Irdl” by Sandy Parsons
- “Bluejay” by Edward Ashton
- “Prophet to the Dogs” by Bethany Edwards
- “The Starsmith” by Jonathan Edelstein
- “Squirrels, Foxes, and Other Fine Specimens” by Gareth D. Jones
- “As Travelers in Sky Boats” by Kristin Janz
- “The Hungers of Refugees” by Michael Glyde
- “Murder or a Duck” by Beth Goder
- “Ride the Dragon” by Bojan Ratković
- “The Battaile of the Mudde” by Anthony Tardiff
- “The Most Absurd Dance at the End of the Worlds” by Holly Heisey
- “Captain Drake Learns His Lines” by Amy Sisson and Kate Suratt
- “Monstrance of Sky” by Christopher Mark Rose

Congratulations to the Nebula Awards Winners!
It’s Nebula Awards weekend, and the ceremony was last night. Congrats to the winners!
Short Story
- WINNER (TIE) ‘‘Ponies’’, Kij Johnson (Tor.com 1/17/10)
- WINNER (TIE) ‘‘How Interesting: A Tiny Man’’, Harlan Ellison® (Realms of Fantasy 2/10)
- ‘‘Arvies’’, Adam-Troy Castro (Lightspeed Magazine 8/10)
- ‘‘I’m Alive, I Love You, I’ll See You in Reno’’, Vylar Kaftan (Lightspeed Magazine 6/10) (Escape Pod link)
- ‘‘The Green Book’’, Amal El-Mohtar (Apex Magazine 11/1/10)
- ‘‘Ghosts of New York’’, Jennifer Pelland (Dark Faith)
- ‘‘Conditional Love’’, Felicity Shoulders (Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine 1/10) (Escape Pod link)
- WINNER ‘‘That Leviathan, Whom Thou Hast Made’’, Eric James Stone (Analog Science Fiction and Fact 9/10)
- ‘‘Map of Seventeen’’, Christopher Barzak (The Beastly Bride)
- ‘‘The Jaguar House, in Shadow’’, Aliette de Bodard Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine 7/10)
- ‘‘The Fortuitous Meeting of Gerard van Oost and Oludara’’, Christopher Kastensmidt (Realms of Fantasy 4/10)
- “Plus or Minus’’, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine 12/10) (Coming soon to Escape Pod!)
- ‘‘Pishaach’’, Shweta Narayan (The Beastly Bride)
- ‘‘Stone Wall Truth’’, Caroline M. Yoachim (Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine 2/10) (Coming soon to Escape Pod!)
- WINNER ‘‘The Lady Who Plucked Red Flowers Beneath the Queen’s Window’’, Rachel Swirsky (Subterranean Magazine Summer ’10)
- The Alchemist, Paolo Bacigalupi (Audible; Subterranean)
- ‘‘Iron Shoes’’, J. Kathleen Cheney (Alembical 2)
- The Lifecycle of Software Objects, Ted Chiang (Subterranean)
- ‘‘The Sultan of the Clouds’’, Geoffrey A. Landis (Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine 9/10)
- ‘‘Ghosts Doing the Orange Dance’’, Paul Park (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction 1-2/10)
- WINNER Blackout/All Clear, Connie Willis (Spectra)
- The Native Star, M.K. Hobson (Spectra)
- The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, N.K. Jemisin (Orbit UK; Orbit US)
- Shades of Milk and Honey, Mary Robinette Kowal (Tor)
- Echo, Jack McDevitt (Ace)
- Who Fears Death, Nnedi Okorafor (DAW)
The Ray Bradbury Award for Outstanding Dramatic Presentation
- WINNER Inception, Christopher Nolan (director), Christopher Nolan (screenplay) (Warner)
- Despicable Me, Pierre Coffin & Chris Renaud (directors), Ken Daurio & Cinco Paul (screenplay), Sergio Pablos (story) (Illumination Entertainment)
- Doctor Who: ‘‘Vincent and the Doctor’’, Richard Curtis (writer), Jonny Campbell (director)
- How to Train Your Dragon, Dean DeBlois & Chris Sanders (directors), William Davies, Dean DeBlois, & Chris Sanders (screenplay) (DreamWorks Animation)
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Edgar Wright (director), Michael Bacall & Edgar Wright (screenplay) (Universal)
- Toy Story 3, Lee Unkrich (director), Michael Arndt (screenplay), John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton, & Lee Unkrich (story) (Pixar/Disney)
Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy
- WINNER I Shall Wear Midnight, Terry Pratchett (Gollancz; Harper)
- Ship Breaker, Paolo Bacigalupi (Little, Brown)
- White Cat, Holly Black (McElderry)
- Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins (Scholastic Press; Scholastic UK)
- Hereville: How Mirka Got Her Sword, Barry Deutsch (Amulet)
- The Boy from Ilysies, Pearl North (Tor Teen)
- A Conspiracy of Kings, Megan Whalen Turner (Greenwillow)
- Behemoth, Scott Westerfeld (Simon Pulse; Simon & Schuster UK)

Escape Pod nominated for SFX Blog Awards!
We were delighted to hear that Escape Pod has been nominated for the SFX Blog Awards in the “Best SF Podcast” category! If you’re inclined, check out all the nominations and the fantastic blogs, and vote!

Hugo- past, present, and yet to come
Laura Burns, aka @moonrangerlaura or @scifilaura, is a NASA Contractor and a science fiction and podcasting fan. She participates in the science tracks at many East Coast cons. She has attended several WorldCons and has voted for the Hugos in times past. She is the head of the Parsec Awards Steering Committee (www.parsecawards.com) and has had her secret identity documented by Mur Lafferty and Matt Wallace (www.murverse.com)
In Hollywood it is Awards season. With the constant coverage of the Golden Globes and Oscar nominations, it is hard not to know about what is going on in sunny Southern California. In the Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror world, awards season has also started, but with much less pomp and circumstance. The two big awards for genre fiction are the Hugos and the Nebulas. The Nebulas are determined by members of the Science Fiction Writer’s Association, but the Hugos.. the Hugos are determined by the fans. That means you. Or at least it could. And your favorite podcasters hope you take the challenge.
First, a bit of history. The Hugo awards are managed by the World Science Fiction Society (http://www.wsfs.org/) and awarded at the World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon). The awards honor professional and fan contributions to the community. The first WorldCon was in 1936, but the first awards weren’t given out in 1953. Isaac Asamov was the Toastmaster and Philip Jose Farmer won for “Best New SF Author or Artist”. Even then, there was a Fan aspect to the awards as Forrest J. Ackerman won for “#1 Fan Personality”. Over the years the categories have evolved with the times.
The 2011 Categories are as follows: (http://www.renovationsf.org/hugo-intro.php) (http://www.thehugoawards.org/hugo-categories/)
* Best Novel
* Best Novella
* Best Novelette
* Best Short Story
* Best Related Work
* Best Graphic Story (Trial Award)
* Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form
* Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form
* Best Editor (Long Form)
* Best Editor (Short Form)
* Best Professional Artist
* Best SemiProzine
* Best Fanzine
* Best Fan Writer
* Best Fan Artist
Historically, the Hugo award is a literary award, and thus the nominees are based on printed, ink on paper works. This is changing. In 2006 podcast Novella “Burn” (http://www.jimkelly.net/index.php?Itemid=45&id=15&option=com_content&task=blogcategory) by James Patrick Kelly was nominated for the Hugo and won the Nebula in 2007. At the 2010 ceremony, the podcast Starship Sofa (http://www.starshipsofa.com/) won the Hugo award for best Fanzine. Having been at WorldCon and NASFic (North American Science Fiction Convention held since WorldCon was outside North America), I can tell you that this caused a bit of a stir.
From what I can determine, your favorite podcasts, stories, authors and editors are eligible for the following categories.
* Best Novel
* Best Novella
* Best Novelette
* Best Short Story
* Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form
* Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form
* Best SemiProzine
* Best Fanzine
* Best Fan Writer
Web content is also eligible for
* Best Graphic Story (Trial Award)
* Best Professional Artist
* Best Fan Artist
The story must have been first published in 2010. You can find out more details regarding eligibilty and the specific awards here (http://www.thehugoawards.org/hugo-categories/).
Since the Hugo awards are determined by the fans, you have the power to make an impact. All of the statistics on the number of nominations and votes are posted online. (http://www.thehugoawards.org/2010/09/2010-hugo-award-statistics-posted/) Historically, fan involvement has been very low. Last year was a record year for Hugo Nominations with less than 900 ballots. (http://www.thehugoawards.org/2010/04/a-little-data/) Some of the short story finalists made the cut with only 23 nomination votes.
So, how do you nominate and vote? First, you need to “join” the World Science Fiction Society by purchasing a membership to the World Science Fiction Convention. (http://www.renovationsf.org/memberships.php) There are several different membership levels. A supporting member, someone not planning on attending the convention, costs $50 until February 28, 2011. A supporting member has the right to Hugo Award and Site Selection voting rights. Receives any materials relating to that voting. In 2010, the voting packet included free digital access to the nominees. If you later decide to upgrade to an attending member, you will do so at a discount. (http://www.renovationsf.org/register.php#types)
The Hugos are arguably the most prestigious award given for genre fiction. Far too few people get involved in the nomination and selection process. This is your chance. Nominations are open until March 26, 2011, but you need to have purchased your membership on or before January 31, 2011. If you were an attending or supporting member of the 2010 WorldCon (Aussiecon 4), you are automatically eligible to nominate, but not to vote.
There are a lot of nuances to the Hugo awards, and I have not covered all of the details here, but if you are interested, please follow the links and get involved. There are some frequently asked questions here (http://www.thehugoawards.org/hugo-faq/).

The Sunburst Award Needs Your Help
I received a note from Helen Marshall who is working on a campaign to save the Sunburst Award, the Canadian juried speculative fiction award. Seeing as how Canada has brought us authors such as Minister Faust, Jo Walton, Spider Robinson, and Cory Doctorow (to name a few), I’m greatly inclined to help them out. Please check out her request and see if you can support their cause! (note the deadline is this friday, so you don’t have much time!)
The Sunburst Award for Canadian Literature of the Fantastic is a juried award based on excellence of writing in two categories: adult and young adult. The awards are presented annually to Canadian writers with a speculative fiction novel or book-length collection of speculative fiction published any time during the previous calendar year.
Unfortunately, the Sunburst Awards have run into a hiccup. They do not have enough operating capital to keep going as they currently stand. This sad news comes at a particularly critical juncture in the award’s life–the operating committee is in the process of getting the Sunburst organization registered as a non-profit, and getting it “national arts organization” status.
As part of a fundraising drive to shepherd the Sunburst through this change of status and structure, we’d like to ask fans, writers, editors, and publishers from the speculative fiction community to help raise awareness of this vital institution…
How to Participate
We’re looking for short (30 second to 2 minutes) videos that say what you think about Canadian speculative fiction. These should be interview-style videos in the vein of Speaker’s Corner and can be recorded as simply as with a web camera. Prior interviews or footage can be submitted provided that you have permission to do so. We will host these individually on a YouTube channel (sunburstaward), but will also edit them in order to create a series of short videos to promote awareness of the fundraising campaign. A longer video will be shown at the opening remarks to the Toronto SpecFic Colloquium. Check out what we’ve got so far!
Not savvy with a camera? Send us a high res image of yourself and either a short paragraph in text or a recorded audio track.
Not Canadian? Never fear. If you have something you want to say about Canadian speculative fiction then we want to hear it.
To participate, send your name, contact information, submission and a short release statement giving us permission to use the video/image to sunburstvideo@gmail.com by October 15, 2010.
Possible Topics:
-favourite Canadian authors and/or stories
-the relationship between Canadian writing and the rest of the world
-publishing speculative fiction in Canada
-the state of Canadian fantasy, science fiction, horror, etc
-how does Canada inspire your work?
-favourite Canadian settings to use in your writingOf course, these topics are intended to be a jumping off point. Feel free to think outside of the box. And, above all, show your