Genres: Apocalyptic
Escape Pod 606: Home Sick
Home Sick
By M. Darusha Wehm
I was encoding a batch of classic ebooks when the ulu-aliki walked in to the library, the outdoors scent of gardenias and overripe mangoes following him. “Afternoon, chief,” I said, pushing my chair back a bit. Joseph Seru spoke Tuvaluan with his family and the other council members, but his English was so much better than my Tuvaluan would ever be. Besides, even though less than ten percent of us were Aussies or Kiwis, the official language on the SPIT was English.
“Hey ya, Sally,” he answered, lacking his usually jovial demeanour.
“You looking for something in particular?” I asked. The island’s chief was a voracious reader and a bit of a film buff. I usually gave him first crack at the new titles I managed to snag off the satellite internet connection.
“Sort of,” he said, the last remains of his smile disappearing. “You, I guess.”
I frowned. “What’s up, chief?” I asked.
“I’ve got something for the blog.”
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