Genres: Genetic Engineering, Queer, Research, Technology
Escape Pod 671: Octonet (Artemis Rising)
Show Notes
Keyan Bowes would like to thank Dr. Jennifer Mather, author of “Octopus: The Ocean’s Intelligent Invertebrate” for being kind enough to read and comment on this story. She recommends Dr. Mather’s book, Octopus: The Ocean’s Intelligent Invertebrate, which was an important source document for “Octonet.”
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By Keyan Bowes
Sometimes at night when my mind is calm, I think I hear the octopuses. Around the world, the great network of molluscan philosophers.
I had many reasons for moving to the Pacific Northwest – weather, closeness to potential clients and my big brother Rav, distance from a very ex ex. Slimy cephalopods definitely didn’t make the list.
But then Rav needed someone to fix their new IT system. And that’s how I met the octopuses.