Genres: Crime, Genetic Engineering, Magical Realism, Technology
Escape Pod 795: Tiger Lawyer Gets It Right
Tiger Lawyer Gets It Right
By Sarah Gailey
Vladislav Argyle rested his head on the cool titanium surface of the plaintiff’s table. It dipped a little under the sudden weight of his skull, then hummed as the antigrav lifts adjusted their power to accommodate their new burden.
“Mr. Argyle? Are you alright?” The bandage-swathed tip of Argyle’s client’s primary tentacle crackled near his ear, and he knew that she was touching his temple in a gesture of inquiry. The people of Ursa Vibrania were very skull-oriented in their communications. It was sweet, really, how they wanted to know what was happening inside every other endoskeletal vertebrate creature’s head. How much they wanted to understand.
Argyle clenched his fists in his lap. The Vibranians were so kind, and they had trusted him to help them, and he was failing. As always.
“I’m fine,” he said through his teeth. “Just a little ritual I have after opening statements.” (Continue Reading…)