Escape Pod 261: Only Springtime When She’s Gone
Show Notes
Show Notes:
- Recommended listening: Hadestown by Anias Mitchell
- Feedback for Episode 253: Eugene.
Next week… A computer has an identity crisis.
Only Springtime When She’s Gone
By Eugie Foster
“A takeover of your company with the state your market shares are in is not unreasonable.” Although Soaces was right, there’d be precious little profit, even after he’d liquidated all of Renewal’s assets and released the employees. But that wasn’t why he wanted it.
“You’re going to destroy us, aren’t you? Tear us apart and sell us to the highest bidder.”
“That’s the plan.”
“There’s more to the company than the money. You’ll eliminate so many people’s livelihoods. Good people. Without Renewal, some of them won’t have any other alternatives.”
“Alternative to what? Luddite jobs? Machine labor?” He chose his next words, enunciating each syllable with relish. “It’s all they’re good for, isn’t it? Can’t have the un-teched getting above their station.”
Portia dropped her gaze. “I never said that.”
“But you didn’t deny it.”