Genres: Clones
Escape Pod 258: Raising Jenny
Show Notes
Show Notes:
- Congrats on the Hugo winners and the Parsec winners!
- We announce the winners of the flash contest.
- Feedback for Episode 250: Eros, Philia, Agape.
Next week… Difficult decisions, ladies, and tigers.
Raising Jenny
By Janni Lee Simner
“I know I can’t do anything about this–” she gestured toward the tangled blankets, the hospital bed, the pale walls. “But I’ve asked the doctors to take some cells–I still have a few healthy ones left, you know, and they’ll keep for some time–“
I could guess the rest. But Susan, ever the biologist, had her lecture after all. “It doesn’t work like that.” Her voice was gentle, as if she were speaking to one of her two sons, not to Mom. “A clone isn’t the same as the original. Your clone would be no more like you than–than one identical twin is like another. It wouldn’t be–” Susan’s voice caught. “It wouldn’t be you.”
“You don’t know,” Mom said. “None of the clones are old enough to ask yet. They’re just babies.”