Escape Pod 159: Elites
Show Notes
Rated R. Contains violence, profanity, and strong themes of war and psychological trauma.
Referenced Sites:
“Recovering Apollo 8” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
7th Son: OBSIDIAN, ed. J.C. Hutchins
By Kristine Kathryn Rusch
I could’ve followed the sounds. The closer I get, the louder voices grow—yelling obscenities, cheering, clapping in approval.
These women love fights.
I used to let them do it too, without interference, until the repair bills got too much. Then the House shrink told me about the added toll of repeated trauma—the fights would often replicate something that happened Out There—and I realized that no matter how much steam got blown off, the fights weren’t worth the expense.
Still, I wished for those old days sometimes.